Written by Klaus Schgaguler   
Thursday, 04 October 2007 08:28

my lamp - but maybe not for much longer...Yesterday i run my first night orienteering training since the beginning of April. And it felt like a beginner! Tobi and Julian prepared two 2.8 km laps out in the forest near to Hilmteich. The terrain is quite simple, because of the huge number of paths and the small forested areas. But never underestimate simple terrain at night. I started with lap B (the pink one on the map). Even by starting really slow, i mad already a huge mistake to control number 1.


I was not able to follow the right path. After that i started doing a little better, but my headlamp broke after some control and i had to hold it still by hand. Some more small mistakes followed. After the first lap i had to stop and fix my lamp and even more important to fix my night-o technique. So i went out on lap A (red) with the purpose not to make mistakes. And i succeeded by running quite slowly. But I have to train much more at night!


In two weeks time I will prepare a training at night for the trainings group here in Graz. The map used is the same used for Austrian Night championships last year. Be prepared for nice and demanding courses!

Here yesterdays map


Last Updated on Saturday, 06 October 2007 11:15