Written by Klaus Schgaguler   
Sunday, 11 November 2007 09:16

It has been a while since my last post. In the last three weeks I tried to start the preparation for next year in a little different way.

On 28 October I run a half marathon in Ljubljana. I started there without any specific preparation, just to check my actual shape. The conditions where not so good. It was cold, wet and after some kilometres it started to rain. My performance wasn't that good neither, I finished in 1:15:01, well three minutes slower than this years best.

I spent the next weekend at home in Südtirol and I used the possibility to take part in bevilonga, a fun competition like beer-relay organized by some friends of Primiero. No further comments on that!

Last Tuesday I started in the local university championships in uphill running. The course suited me really well. Some very steep parts alternated with almost flat or even downhill parts. In the end I won with a quite good margin.

After these weeks of training alternated with some competitions in order to check my actual shape to start from, now I feel ready to fully focus on winter training.

Last Updated on Sunday, 11 November 2007 11:04