Written by Klaus Schgaguler
Saturday, 21 June 2008 21:43 |
The world cup races here in Norway are over and i have to say, i'm really disappointed with my performance in this two days. While maybe yesterday some problems with my knee caused some problems with the running, there are no excuses for todays race. I was simply to sloppy at some controls in the central part of the race.
Well, maybe i will find time to do a proper analysis of the races. Tomorrow we are running the relay competition of O-Festivalen. I'm going to run first leg, Marco is on Leg 2 and Alessio Nr 3. Coach Massimo will take the last leg. I will try to use this competition to leave Norway with a little better feeling, but the most important now for me is to focus on WOC. New game new changes. And i will be better prepared!